
Monday, June 29, 2009

he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is...
he cares about me more than a boyfriend...
sometimes he make me forget who actually he is to me...
because he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is...
some of his friends do remind me to be carefull with him..
i do...
but he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is..
he always there to comfort me..
when im alone...when im lonely...when im sad...
because he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is...
he always there for me...
when im happy,he try to be happy for me...
even smtimes his not...
because he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is...
he never want to hear me crying...
or listen to my sad voice...
he juat want me to be happy...and keep smilling...
even not with him or because of him...
whats matter to him is..IM HAPPY....
whats matter to him...IM SMILLING....
whats matter to him...I DONT FEEL A SINGLE SADNESS IN ME....
because he cares about me more than a boyfriend...

yup he is....
he cares about me more than a boyfriend...
and its make me feel so terribly guilty...
to everyone who related to us...
even no matter how i ignore him....abonded him...
he still..and still cares about me more than a boyfriend...



Yana Ismail said...

Dear, maybe he's the ONE for you?;)heeee...listen to your heart..and you'll know the answer..huhu

cahaya said...

Princess Liyana:huhuhu..its to complicated dear...